Tuesday, October 22, 2024

AFEX Condemns Detention of CPJ Staff by Tanzania Authorities

The African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX), a continental network of freedom of expression and media rights organisation, denounces the detention of staff of the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) by Tanzania authorities.

According to CPJ, immigration officials detained Angela Quintal, Africa program coordinator and Muthoki Mumo, CPJ’s sub-Saharan Africa representative at their hotel in Dar es Salaam on Wednesday, November 7, 2018. The officers also confiscated passports belonging to the two after a thorough search of their belongings. Quintal and Mumo who were in the country on assignment have since been taken to an unknown location.

AFEX joins CPJ in solidarity to express serious concerns about the safety of Quintal and Muko and to demand their unconditional release.

Tanzania is signatory to various regional and international frameworks that guarantee fundamental rights including freedom of expression and movement of all persons.

AFEX urges Tanzania’s government to disassociate itself from this blatant violation of the fundamental rights of our colleagues and order their release immediately. We also demand that authorities in Tanzania disclose the whereabouts of Quintal and Muko and unconditionally release them and return their passports.  

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